

Downloads are important files what you can share with your visitors.  After you create a download then you can assign it to information at Information > Data tab. You can list downloads in an information category too with correct category settings.

You can find downloads at: Content > Downloads

Here you can filter downloads, so you can find a download easy. You can read about filters here.

Here you can add , delete , and edit  download. 

You can sort downloads by a counter "Downloaded" (asc, desc) if you click at the "Downloaded".

You can sort downloads by name (asc, desc) if you click at the "Name".

You can sort downloads by file mask (asc, desc) if you click at the "Mask".

You can sort downloads by date added (asc, desc) if you click at the "Date Added".

You can select one or multiple downloads to delete if you check the box before title.

You can select all downloads at once in the page if you check the box before "Downloaded".

Add New Download 

To create a new download you can click  in the upper right corner. You will be directed to the download page. If you want to save a download then press the save  button. If you want to abort your action then press the cancel  button.

  • Download Name: You have to write a name here. The visitors will see this name instead of file name or file mask.
  • Filename: After you browse your file with download manager what is like image manager the filename and mask field will be filled automatically. You can read about download file manager here.
  • Mask: This will be the file name if a visitor download this file. You can use any filemask, but use the same type as in filename like: .jpg, .doc, .pdf and so on.
Here is two example downloads below: