

Categories are containers for information. With categories you can organize information into a logical structure, so your visitors will able to find them easy. If you would like to link an information to a category, then first you have to make the category, then you can make a link between information and category. You can link unlimited information to a category, and you can link an information to more than one category.

You can manage the categories in administration at: Content > Categories

You will be directed to a page that displays the category names of the site  (as seen below).

Here you can add , delete , and edit  categories.  You can rebuild damaged category chains with rebuild button 

You can sort categories by name (asc, desc) if you click at the "Category Name".

You can sort categories by sort order (asc, desc) if you click at the "Sort Order".

You can select one or multiple categories to delete if you check the box before name.

You can select all categories at once in the page if you check the box before "Category Name".

Add new Category 

To create a new category for information you can click in the upper right corner. You will be directed to the category's information page. Category information can be filled out under four tabs: "General", "Data", "Design", "Rights". If you want to save a category then press the save button. If you want to abort your action then press the cancel button.

When you edit an existing category you will have an extra read only field in data tab: This URLs: From this list you can copy a link what you can use as a link what will navigate visitors to this category.

General Tab

The General tab asks for basic information regarding the information category:

  • Category Name
  • Description: text that will describe this category on the category page, to be viewed by the visitors in the front of the site.
  • Meta Tag Title: a page name, to be viewed by the visitors in their browser tab.
  • Meta Tag Description: a summary of the category to describe the category page to search engines.
  • Meta Tag Keywords: similar to meta tag description, but asks for keywords to describe the category. (comma separated: one,two,three)

Data Tab

The Data tab asks for the following data:

  • Parent: Categories are arranged in a hierarchical structure; with the parent category always on top. You may choose to create a category under a parent category, turning it into a sub-category. In the category list the category will be displayed as "Parent Category > Sub-Category". If none is selected, the category created will be a parent category. (Autocomplete)
  • Link:  it have no function yet
  • Sites: If you are managing more than one site with GrandCMS, you may check which sites you would like to add this category to. If only one site is available, "Default" may be checked. See Creating a multi-site for more information about multi-sites.
  • SEO Keyword: A keyword that will be included in the category url for search engine optimization. (Do not use spaces, instead replace spaces with - and make sure the keyword is globally unique.)
  • Image: Select the main image for the category page and the thumbnail for category listings. See Image manager for more information on how to upload an image using the image manager tool.
  • Special category: If you use this option, the category will be shown under Content > Information. If you choose this category there then only those information will be shown whats are in this category, and if you add a new information then this information will be linked to this category.
  • Show downloads: Show downloads of items. This option will work only if you don't use simple items option. It have three options:
    • No: Downloads of information will not be shown.
    • Title + downloads: Image, short description of information will not be shown. The downloads and the title will be shown only.
    • All + downloads: Image, title, short description, downloads of information will be shown.
  • Show item date: Date of information will be shown. (Useful at: News)
  • Simple items: List information without any details. Only title will be shown.
  • Simple subcategories: it  have no function yet
  • Sort Order: This sort order determines the position of the category in list. A sorting order of 1 would be displayed before a sorting order of 2, 3, and so on.
  • Status: Selecting "enabled" makes the category publicly available in the site front. Selecting "disabled" will hide the category from the site front, but will still be available for editing purposes in the administration.
  • Default item sort order: You can choose a sort order type for your category. You have five options:
    • Added (High > Low): The newest information come first and the oldest last.
    • Added (Low > High): The oldest information come first and the newest last.
    • Name (A - Z): The information list will be organized in alphabetical order.
    • Name (Z - A): The information list will be organized in reverse alphabetical order.
    • Custom sort (Low > High): The information list will be organized in sort order of information.

Design Tab

The design tab consists of the "Layout Override" feature. In this feature, you can choose to override a layout, such as the 'Account' page, to include the category on that page. For more information on layouts, see Modules. You can just leave it blank for the meantime.

Rights Tab

Here you can add rights to this category. You can read about rights here.