With menus you can navigate to any object what have url.
Before you insert a menu you have to choose a menu group. In GrandCMS there is at least one menu group. The Main Menu. First you have to make your main menu for your visitors so chose this menu group. To insert a menu into main menu you have to go here: Content > Menus > Menus > Main menu as you can see above at main menu there are the most important menus. After installation this list is empty. Here you can add , delete , and edit menus. You can rebuild damaged menu chains with rebuild button
You can sort menus by name (asc, desc) if you click at the "Menu".
You can select one or multiple menus to delete if you check the box before name.
You can select all menus at once in the page if you check the box before "Menu".
After you created Main Menu you can choose other menu groups where you want to insert menus.
Add new Menu
Here you can find three tabs:
General tab
Under "General" tab you may find more tabs or just one. It is depend on how many languages were installed. You have to fill the "Name" field what will be the name of the menu. The description field have no function yet.
Data tab
Link: Autocomplete. Just start write an inner element name and select one or just put here an url. The menu will navigate to this link.
Menu group: You can change the menu group here.
Parent: Autocomplete. Just start write a menu name then select it from the list. If you choose a parent then this menu will be a sub menu.
Sites: If you use multiple sites then you can select where you want to see this menu.
Columns: This field only use at main menu. There this menu's sub menus will use this number to make columns.
Sort order: The position of this menu in the same level (parent) menus. This number can be negative.
Status: Enabled or Disabled. Show this menu or not.
Rights tab
Here you can add rights to this menu. You can read about rights here.
Menu Groups
Main Menu
You can use menu groups to make different menus. GrandCMS have a built in group: "Main menu". You can find main menu in admin interface here: Content > Menus > Menus > Main menu
This menu group's menus will appear at the front site like below:
Other Menu Groups
You can manage your other menu groups at: Content > Menus > Menu groups
Here you can add , delete , and edit menu groups.
You can sort menu groups by name (asc, desc) if you click at the "Menu Group Name".
You can select one or multiple menu groups to delete if you check the box before name.
You can select all menu groups at once in the page if you check the box before "Menu Group Name".
Add a new Menu Group
You can add here a new menu group if you give a name. Press to save button to save or press cancel button to cancel this action.
After you save menu group it will appear under: Content > Menus > Menus. There you can add menus to your new menu group.
Edit a Menu Group
You can change the menu group name here. Press to save button to save or press cancel button to cancel this action.