File Managers

File Manager

The File Manager is a tool used in the administration to manage your files.

GrandCMS use the elFinder filemanager as main file manager. With elFinder you can manage your resource files without ftp client.

You can find it here: Tools -> File manager

You have 2 root folder: "Image" and " Download". You can't manage system files with built in file managers for security reasons.

elFinder is more than a simple file manager. You can get information from your files, preview, edit (resize, crop, rotate) your pictures online.

Image manager

The Image Manager is a tool used in the administration to upload image files. Banners, information images, the site logo, and categories will all need images uploaded using the Image Manager.

Clicking on an image then click on the edit button or the text editor's picture button will open up a new window called the "Image Manager". The "image" folder will be available only, which can be found in the root folder where GrandCMS was installed. You can use an FTP client, elFinder to add and delete images in your "image" folder. Another way to add images is to click the "Upload" button in the toolbar, which will open up your computer's file directory to directly add them. The images below from the demo site. Select an image by clicking on checkbox , and press the "Delete" button in the toolbar to delete it.


  • Parent: change directory to parent directory
  • Refresh: refresh files
  • Upload: upload an image file
  • New folder: Create a new folder
  • Delete: after you selected a file / folder or files / folders you can delete
  • Edit: after you selected a file / folder you can rename it
  • Search: you can search in the folder where you are

Download File Manager

Download File manager is the same as Image Manager, except you are able to upload not just image files, and the "download" folder will be available only, which can be found in the root folder where GrandCMS was installed.

You can use it when you add or edit a downloadable content: Content -> Downloads -> Add or Edit button -> Browse button.